Welcome, I’m so glad that you found me!
I have three questions for you:
What’s your vision?
Something is trying to get your attention—it’s tapping your shoulder in meetings, distracting you at the gym, and nibbling at your dreams. It might feel and sound like inspiration. But, more likely, it feels and sounds like dissatisfaction: Why am I here? What am I doing? What’s next?
And, despite your best efforts, it won’t just go away and leave you alone.
That’s because it’s calling you forward into your next thing. It’s inviting you step into how you—specifically, uniquely you—will leave a mark on the world.
Why does it matter?
Your vision, your dream, will make the world a better place for someone. And that makes it a better place for all of us. Period.
Also, on a practical note, the calling won’t leave you alone, no matter how many gratitude practices, Nordstrom.com orders, and Peloton rides you try to bury it under. (Trust me, I know this from experience) So, you might as well try giving it your attention and see what happens…
Who do you need to be?
The first person your vision will change is you.
To bring new, bolder things into the world, you’re going to need to be, feel, and think in new and bolder ways. You’ll be spending a lot of time in what I call the Zone of Productive Discomfort, the place where you’re stretching, re-shaping, and expanding your Self and your understanding of your Self.
I guide people through that Zone.
And, I’d love to explore how I can support your journey to making your vision a reality.
If you’d like to meet with me too, then please click here to schedule a complimentary, 50-minute conversation